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What to do if the mobile phone signal of the new house is bad?

What to do if the mobile phone signal of the new house is bad?


Hello, let's discuss a question today. When building a new house or after buying a new house, you find that your mobile phone has no signal. What should you do?

4g 5g signal booster

In fact, it is only necessary to install a set of mobile phone signal booster to solve the problem. However, when building a new house, it is better to reserve the feeder line in advance before sealing and hanging the roof, and place each indoor antenna in the air conditioning access hole. In this way, the aesthetic feeling of the house will not be affected. But the cell phone signal will be enhanced. If you have bought a new house and find that your mobile phone has no signal, you need to affect the aesthetics. You can choose the cable that can come in through the window gap, so you don't need to re-drill holes for wiring.

5g signal booster

Remember to purchase Amplitec 4g 5g signal booster, which covers both 4g and 5g signals to make your life faster.

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