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Guangdong Amplitec Tech Development Co.,Ltd successfully developed TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge

Guangdong Amplitec Tech Development Co.,Ltd successfully developed TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge


    First of all, congratulations to Guangdong Amplitec Tech Development Co.,Ltd for successfully developing TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge, and has won many large and small bids. Don't underestimate TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge, there are no more than 10 suppliers in the world that master wireless bridge TDMA technology. So what is so powerful about this TDMA technology?

    TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge enables multiple devices within range to synchronize video surveillance images in real time. For example, medical students need to observe the process of learning surgery, but it is impossible for all students to go to the operating room. At this time, our TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge can play a role. It only needs to install a video monitor in the operating room, and the real-time video picture can be transmitted to different screens through the TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge, and students can be assigned to each room to watch. screen. It has to be said that the development of the Internet of Things has taken a big step forward.

    Moreover, our TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridge has a very long transmission distance, and the wireless bridge itself does not need to pull optical fibers, so it is widely used in urban road video surveillance construction. Compared with traditional video surveillance, it greatly saves time and labor costs, because there is no need to open up roads to bury optical fibers underground, which is also very helpful for environmental protection.

    We also have a variety of TDMA Wireless Wifi Bridges, 500m, 1km, 3km, 5km, 10km, 20km. The most important thing is that our wireless bridge is guaranteed by the network speed. It will not affect the user's experience within 10KM. The video transmission rate can reach 300Mbps. In terms of performance, it should be the top in China. After all, it is very exaggerated to maintain such a high physical rate at such a long distance.

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